Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Still Not Daily Moosing

If you haven't talked to me about "Inception", you can now. I finally saw it today at the IMAX at Navy Pier.
Oh, and I also got to see this guy.
Oh, here he is again...

This is the Navy Pier Ferris Wheel. It's red, costs $6 dollars to ride, and, although iconic of Navy Pier, not what we were immediately attracted to.
This was. I love swing rides. You not only get great views, but as the 7 yr old boy behind us exclaimed, a "Woo-hoo! I'm flying! I'm Superman!" sort of feeling.

Enhanced by Zemanta

After the ride, we had something to eat and then... "Inception". This guy's facial expression after leaving the theater says it all.

A couple of hours later, I'm in bed, totally exhausted.
Pancho says it's naptime.

PS- While waiting for the movie showtime, we saw this amazing juggler perform... a video will be uploaded soon! I thought it deserved its own post...


  1. is this Re the gustatory scientist?????

  2. I like the pix!!! (it'me chantal - had to post anonymously...;)
