Friday, December 5, 2014

12 Little-known Facts About Dragonflies

Here are some little-known facts about dragonflies:

1) They sing en masse just before the sunrise.
2) When they swarm, they form complex geometric patterns.
3) A dragonfly in Boston can faintly hear the fluttering wings of its cousin in Santa Fe.
4) A dragonfly bite is a blessing, and takes a month to heal.
5) Even after serious offenses, dragonflies show no remorse.
6) All dragonflies recognize one another as vague reflections of themselves.
7) Dragonflies are not real.
8) Dragonflies naturally distrust snakes for an incident long ago in Eden.
9) Only two types of creatures exist for dragonflies: snakes and dragonflies.
10) Dragonflies have no weapons.
11) Dragonflies have no word for "thank you".
12) When a dragonfly feels love, it dies.

Corporon, A., Frausto, A. (2014)