Saturday, July 31, 2010

Meet Sue.

I'm currently on a Daily Moose Hiatus. Thanks for the suggestions, and I'll try to use all of your ideas at some point (I'm thinking Monday). I finished reading a graphic novel, "Fables". I've been in a comicky sort of mood.

Now that you've finished considering whether or not comicky is a word, meet sue.

PS - I realize it's difficult to read this, but click on that bad boy and it will get lots easier to do so!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Daily Moose: Purple Pizza Anxious

URGENT!!!! This is the last Daily Moose!!!!


But, seriously, I need portrait suggestions!!!
I'm going to do a series of portraits next, but have no idea who to choose!

Today's Daily Moose was made with pencil and Photoshop.

Tomorrow will bring... ????

Monday, July 26, 2010

Daily Moose: White Dream Elegant

I took a Daily Moose break this weekend. Tomorrow's Daily Moose will bring: pizza, purple, anxiety.... Also: after tomorrow's Daily Moose, I will need more ideas... This time around, I'm thinking of doing a series of portraits. I need names!!! Who should I do a portrait of?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Daily Moose: Blue Bed Lonely

Today's Daily Moose was made using pencil, colored pencil, crayon, sharpie, and Photoshop. Tomorrow will bring white, dream, elegant...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Daily Moose: Yellow Streetlight Cozy

Thanks for the Daily Moose suggestions, everyone. I'll be using each suggestion one day at a time. So stay tuned, tomorrow will bring: blue, bed, lonely....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Daily Moose: Moose Hatter

Meh. I'm running out of ideas so I need your help!!! Just post a color, a noun, and an adjective and I will use these to create the next daily meese.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Moose Monday

It's still Monday somewhere. I hope I'm not abusing the word daily by calling this a daily moose.
Anyway, today's drawing was inspired by the Nine Inch Nails song "Hand That Feeds".
Will you bite the hand that feeds you?
Will you stay down on your knees?

PS - I almost forgot to mention, scroll down to the bottom of the page! Magical things await you...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Moosing in Action

Sorry I was M.I.A yesterday in terms of the Daily Moose.
Today I was in a sharpie sort of mood after visiting Apparently, it's, Scandinavian architect, Josef Frank's birthday. Happy Birthday Josef Frank!!! His work is really pretty and inspirational in an old lady sweater/fairy tale sort of way. Anyway, today's daily moose is below...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Daily Moose: 2

My brother asked me this morning if I could somehow draw him something that connected the electric with the organic. I'll probably keep trying at this. This is my first attempt.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Daily Moose

So, I almost forgot about my daily drawing deal... I didn't really like the way the drawing looked after I scanned it so I pretty much Photoshopped it until I realized there was nothing more that could be done.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mooseum of Art

I'm afraid I've gotten a bit lazy in posting on this thing, as well as in general. As a way of rescuing two birds with one net, I've decided to give myself a goal. From now on, I will post either a drawing or piece of writing on the daily. This will ensure that I do not forget how to hold a pencil- it's an important skill.

So I will start today with the following piece. I'm not sure that it's very finished, but it's an idea that I had. I sketched it quickly then added color with Photoshop.